Home, happiness, and hope

It goes without saying: life can be complicated, overwhelming, and discouraging. It can be hard to face the darkness and chaos of the world. But while we cannot control the world, we can seize control of our own minds. Our attitudes and the atmosphere we carry around us more largely depend on ourselves. We decide what we focus on, what we fill our minds with, and how we’ll respond to those things we cannot change. It begins in our hearts and cascades down to our fingertips. We can’t control everything, but we can build up good, true, and beautiful things around us and those we love.

So here’s to the homes we make, the happiness we cultivate, and the hope we cherish.

Nestled among those tender blossoms, we live. Like birds of the sky, we must have our nests, safe and dry and warm, to fly back to as dusk and dew settle for evening. We work diligently on these homes. Beds are made: floors are swept. Clothing is washed and mended; food is cooked, and meals eaten. But none of this can transform a barren house into a home. That comes from the softly spoken “good morning” as the new sunshine spills into the room, mingling with the fresh breeze slipping in through the open window. It is the smell of “our” biscuit recipe as the cast iron skillet comes out of the oven. It is cleanliness and order softened by love and grace that give the mind a place to rest. It’s the familiar crackle of a favorite record and the gentle hum of a lullaby sleepily drifting out the window to the stars. It’s beloved books on shelves and dear faces smiling from picture frames. It is love and peace hanging thick as Mississippi humidity throughout the house that regretfully sends you off and lovingly receives you back.

And what of that happiness? I said ‘cultivate” very purposefully. Happiness cannot merely be found. It must be planted, watered, tilled, and grown. Cultivated like sweet, tender roses. I’ve noticed a tendency amongst people of my acquaintance (and myself!) that we sometimes expect to go out and “find our happiness.” We expect it to round the corner and finally embrace us. Sometimes happy moments do just fall into our laps, and what a lovely blessing they are; however, they are not the norm, nor should we wait for it to hopefully come along. Like Snow White and Cinderella, we can make happiness for our lives, even in more trying circumstances. We can choose to sing that sweet song. We can set out our lovely tea cups for afternoon tea with a beloved friend. We can spend time with Jesus, giving Him our anxieties and reading His Word. We can stand outside, feeling the wind brush our cheeks and the sun kiss our skin. Each and everyday we can make intentional choices to focus on those things we can and should change. It takes a bit of work and intentionality, but we can do it.

And finally, dear Reader, we come to hope. Oh brave Hope, that tiny flame burning against insurmountable darkness. To some you seem foolhardy, or even worse, impossible. How thankful I am that hope is possible, that it neither hinges on our strength nor on our abilities. My hope comes from many things: the sun rising warm and bright through the pine trees, seeing children laugh and dance in green grass, and most of all, in reading over and over the Word of God telling me to “Hope in God” (Psalm 42:11) and “delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart”(Psalm 37:4) and that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). I have a hope larger than myself–that has been proven over and over again through the ages. I see it again written in the gentle new leaves of spring, in the soft buzz of bees amongst the clover, in the steady beating of waves upon a seashore, and in the best of humanity that will show itself in humble heroic deeds of kindness and love. Hope, like happiness and home, takes a bit of work, us turning our hearts, eyes, and minds to what is good, true, and noble.

I hope if your heart has been hurting and your soul aching for you know not precisely what, you can find a way to create beauty around you, to lean into lovely literature, good habits, and the beauty around you. I hope you feel peace.

With love,


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